Monday, September 7, 2020


 Hello dear friends !

AI refers to machine intelligence or a machine’s ability to replicate the cognitive functions of a human being. It has the ability to learn and solve problems. In computer science, these machines are called “intelligent agents” or bots.

Preparing for an AI Revolution in IT Service Management | Freshservice

here are three recognized levels in the AI spectrum, all of which we can experience today.

Assisted intelligence – This refers to the automation of basic tasks. Examples include machines in assembly lines.

Augmented intelligence – There is a give and take with augmented intelligence. An AI learns from human input. We, in turn, can make more accurate decisions based on AI information.

Autonomous intelligence – This is AI with humans out of the loop. Think self-driving cars.

AI technology isn’t the end but only a means towards effectiveness and efficiency, improved innovative capabilities, and better opportunities. And, we’ve seen this in several industries that have begun to adopt AI into their operations.up to 24 percent of businesses currently implement or plan on using artificial intelligence. Stand-outs are in the health, financial services, and automotive sectors. The model is designed to help financial services companies map buyer personas, simulate “future selves” and anticipate customer behavior. It has enabled these financial services companies in validating real-time business decisions within seconds.

AI Systems for Decision-Making | CAIDA | Centre for AI Decision-making and  Action

Decision influenced by AI in Business,

Prior to the resurgence of AI and its eventual commercial application, executives have had to rely on inconsistent and incomplete data. With artificial intelligence, they have data-based models and simulations. Today’s AI systems start from zero and feed on a regular diet of big data. This is augmented intelligence in action, which eventually provides executives with sophisticated models as basis for their decision-making .there are several AI applications that enhance decision-making capacities.AI modeling and simulation techniques enable reliable insight into your buyer personas. These techniques can be used to predict consumer behavior. Through a Decision Support System, your artificial intelligence system is able to support decisions through real-time and up-to-date data gathering, forecasting, and trend analysis. This form of AI is often used by search engines, which regularly rank people’s interests in specific web pages, websites, and products. These bots employ different algorithms to get to a target’s HITS and PageRank, among other online scoring systems. Here, hyperlink-based AI is employed, wherein bots seek out clusters of linked pages and see these as a group sharing a common interest.

Artificial Intelligence In Business: Top 5 AI & ML Trends Of 2018

Future of AI in decision making,

When decision-makers and business executives have reliable data analysis, recommendations, and follow-ups through artificial intelligence systems, they can make better choices for their business and employees. AI also improves the competitive standing of the business.

Thanks for reading!



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